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  1. A new concept of family telecare where the caregiver replaces the professional company generating savings to the user and his family.

  2. A system that works inside and outside of home, and in all the countries.

  3. A technology that includes a simple mobile device using any SIM card (voice and data).

  4. A service that is accessed and configured from a web page and from a smartphone app (iphone and android).

  5. Flexible because a medical, technical or customer service call center can be integrated in any of its buttons.

  6. A simple, personal and direct communication service.

  7. Auditable because you can remotely monitor to detect any incidence.

  8. Easy to use by users. This is certified by SIMPLIT.


Comparative chart

MIMOV family telecare vs current home telecare:

Home telecare MIMOV family telecare
Mobile device (to speak and locate) No Si
Configuration Website No Si
App configuration caregiver smartphone No Si
GPS location No Si
Low Battery Alert No Si
Alert security zone abandonment No Si
Viewing user tracking in google maps No Si
Control and limitation of incoming calls No Si

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Latest news

21/02/2014 MIMOV at MWC 2014

01/10/2012 The new version of 'MIMOV' of SAI Wireless gets the 'SIMPLIT and AENOR Conform certification

20/09/2012 MIMOV on World Alzheimer's Day

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